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The Voyagers platform was developed with the understanding that our users will come from a wide range of backgrounds with varying levels of technological skills. Given this, we’ve setup a simple path to getting you up and running.


1 - Check system compatIbility

The first step to getting up and running with the Voyagers platform is to download and execute the Voyagers Compatibility Test.

In order for the Voyagers platform to function, certain windows features must be disabled. This software ensures your PC has the features disabled and directs you how to disable them if they’re currently enabled. If you run into any errors troubleshooting can be found HERE.


[Note: Since this software is extremely basic, it’s not built with any advanced protection mechanisms. You should ensure the Compatibility Checker is deleted from your PC prior to running any games!]

2 - Purchase Credits & Review Memberships

Now that you know your system is compatible, it’s time to purchase Voyager credits. To gain access to game implementations you need to buy the required security package for that implementations  (AKA If you buy a security package you get a game implementation). Voyager Credits are used to buy these security packages. Each purchase of a security package will give you access to one specific implementation. Voyagers membership is a one-time purchase. Memberships allow users to gain full access to the discord, beta features, and credit discounts. If you decide at a later point to purchase a higher level membership, the price of your current membership will be discounted from the higher level tier. 


3 - Purchase Security Package

After purchasing credits, you are eligible to purchase security packages required for game implementations. Voyagers offers multiple security packages that give you different levels of security and memory access. Game implementations require access to these security packages to function. Whenever you buy access to a security package you get access to a specific game implementation. 


4 - Stream Implementation To Loader

After purchasing a security package and getting access to an implementation you can then stream it to the loader for the next 5 minutes. This can be found on the implementations page where you purchased the security package. The next time you launch the loader it will automatically execute the implementation. 

5 - Download the loader

After streaming the implementation you need to download and run the loader. You will need to sign into your account.


6 - Troubleshoot

If you are having trouble executing the loader/implementation then you can follow the steps in troubleshooting. You can also submit a support request. 


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